Well ya’ll it happened. My best friend is finally married and I could not be more excited for her! If you have been following my blog, you will probably recognize these two from the amazing proposal we surprised her with, and their adorable engagement session. I was so torn between wanting to shoot the wedding and being in it, but it was more important for me to be there and not working! As much as I would have LOVED to capture this day, it was more important for me to be PRESENT as her Matron of Honor. So here are some pictures of her getting ready and little bit of the ceremony! I cannot wait to actually see all of the pictures from her wedding photographer, but these pictures, especially of her getting ready, mean so much to me…
It was so much fun when we went dress hunting and found this gem. It was so Ramie!
Ramie I love you, soooo much! We talked about this day for so long and I still can’t believe it has come and gone now. You looked more beautiful than I could have imagined…
Payton did such a great job on her makeup!
Caught her! LOL …I don’t quite remember what we were laughing about. haha
LOVED our dresses!!!
That is one thing for sure we have in common, TINY FEET! lol… Never really had someone to share shoes with besides her. ❤️
I lovvvve this picture of us!
Payton did such a good job enhancing all of the girls beauty with a natural feel for their makeup. They all looked amazing!
Phyllis and I making up a Ramie sandwich! lol
Can you tell I love her??
So beautifulllllll…she flawless!
Just timeless…
Absolutely stunning…
And of course auntie Ramie had to have pictures with my daughter Hope, the cutest flower girl!
Auntie Ramie was right there when Hope was born, holding her so I could get some sleep. They have such a sweet bond.
My hubby was able to capture some of the ceremony for me before he had to take over and hold Hope.
Everyone waiting eagerly for the beautiful bride…
I love her so much… no doubt that she was going to cry. Between the music playing and this moment, it was inevitable….
Beautiful time in prayer.
I love that train though!
Miss Hope felt the need to pick petals from the bouquet, but hey, whatever keeps her quiet!
You can’t tell from the pictures, but it was absolutely freezing outside! Everyone kept telling me how they wanted to wrap their jacket around me. But I am just grateful the rain didn’t start coming down hard until we got inside!
Between the flowers, the colors, and these dresses 😍
The sweetest part of the whole ceremony was when they took communion together and said their vows. It was like you didn’t even feel the cold and time stood still. I love these two so much!
Well ya’ll that’s all I have for you! Like I said before, I can’t wait to see all of the moments and pictures captured from her photographer, but these will help hold me over until then. But Ramie and John, I love you both so much! Thank you for letting me be apart of such a special time in your lives. I forgot to mention this in my speech (lol), but the most honorable thing you both did throughout this whole process leading up to your wedding day was watching you guys plan for your marriage.
You both are incredibly wise for preparing more for your lifetime, than this one day. This day has come and gone, but you both are now together forever. This marriage will last a lifetime, there is no doubt in my mind. So proud of you both for putting in the work beforehand to set you both up for success. I can’t wait to watch you both just flourish now that you are One. God is going to use you both even more greatly. As long as you keep Him first, there is nothing that will stop or hinder this marriage from prospering. Oh yea… and I can’t wait for our babies to grow up together too!! 😜 (But I can wait… a little bit)
Much Joy,
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